On Friday, October 2nd, Mark Albee led an informational Zoom session with Koka City International Society, the land of the Ninja. Sixteen members of the society attended and learned info about MSU and East Lansing (and of course Sparty as well)! This was the 2nd Zoom session the ELC has led with the first one having been July 17th , in which Carol Wilson-Duffy led a session on Michigan and current events. In both sessions, it was clear that there is a lot of interest from the Koka City folks about education, COVID, the current elections, and our lives here in Michigan. The next session, to be led by Koka City, will be coming soon, so stay tuned!
ELC Holds Zoom Sessions with Koka City
- Post published:October 7, 2020
- Post category:ELC News

Categories: ELC News