The ELC was pleased to be a Featured Campus Partner in this week’s OISS Welcome Weekly. If you do not receive the OISS Weekly Welcome or want to view an earlier newsletter, we invite you to go to the Newsletter Sign-up

We share the text from that featured spot here:
The English Language Center at MSU is here to serve you! Make use of the courses and services designed to help you succeed in your academic life.
This summer:
New students are invited to join the PAL – Preparation for Academic Life Program. The 25 hour/week short program is designed to give you an opportunity to adjust to campus, get comfortable using English academically, and build a community before classes begin.
Applications and payments due: July 1, 2023
Program dates: July 31-August 18, 2023
Cost: $1600 (Includes tuition, mandatory insurance, and fees)
Read more here:
Fall Semester 2023:
The following courses are for students who are not required to take English language courses but may wish to do so to build confidence, vocabulary, reading speed, etc. as they adjust to campus life.
- AAE 291 – American Academic Culture and English for Undergraduates
- AAE 491 – Writing for Graduate Students (Oral Skills for Graduate Students is offered in Spring Semester 2024)
All international students are invited to utilize the ESL Lab for a one-on-one opportunity to meet with an ESL consultant who will help you understand your class assignments, understand what you are reading, or to plan, organize, and revise your writing:
International Teaching Assistants who must pass the MSU Speaking Test or who seek language and pedagogy support concurrent with their teaching assignments can review the ITA support courses we offer at:
Additional questions? Email Associate Director Patricia Walters ( or visit the ELC website at