Leah C. Addis has been a faculty member at the English Language Center since 2008. She earned her MATESOL from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and a BA in Spanish and Anthropology from Iowa State University. She has taught ESL courses at all levels for international students at MSU and is particularly interested in content-based writing and in discourse-based grammar for communication. She serves as the Content and Grammar Skills Coordinator in the Intensive English Program, mentoring new teachers and overseeing curriculum in those areas. She also teaches courses in language pedagogy and U.S. culture for visiting EFL teachers, especially those from the Brazil PDPI program. Since 2020, she has been teaching online/asynchronous sections of IAH (Integrated Arts and Humanities) for the MSU undergraduate population. She and her collaborators on that course won the Fintz Award for Teaching Excellence in the Arts and Humanities in 2023.