The Online Academic English Program (OAEP) is an online version of the English Language Center English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. These courses are designed to prepare international students for the language demands of university-level academic work, as well as to socialize them to US academic practices, culture, and expectations. Successful completion of an OAEP course (be it reading, writing, or Listening/Speaking) grants students the fulfillment of the appropriate MSU language requirement.
OAEP students are:
- Advanced students who have not met MSU’s minimum proficiency requirement in English.
- Advanced students who are not seeking a degree at MSU, but who want to improve their academic English skills.
OAEP courses:
- Help prepare international students for the demands of university-level work in English.
- Offer skills-based instruction at an advanced level:
- Online Academic Writing (OAW): English Composition
- Online Academic Listening and Speaking (OALS): Listening and Speaking for Academic Purposes
- Online Academic Reading (OAR): Reading for Academic Purposes
- Allow qualified students to take academic coursework while enrolled in this program.
Students participate in different types of activities in each course:
- OAW focuses on process writing and peer review.
- OAR focuses on reading comprehension, with an emphasis on higher-order concepts such as critical reading, inferences, paraphrasing, and analysis.
- OALS focuses on lecture comprehension and verbal interaction, with an emphasis on giving presentations, participating in group work, and understanding group dynamics.
The courses take place on D2L, MSU’s Learning Management System. In addition to the in-course activities and assessments, students take part in an in-person final assessmentadministered by the ELC Testing Office.
To learn more about these courses, please watch the video below at