Message from the Organizer
A huge thank you to all of you who came and participated at either of our 2019 events. A Conversation Among CALLeagues and Mind the Gap: Bridging the Researcher-Teacher Divide differed greatly from previous Learning Symposium years, and both were wildly successful!
We here at MSU’s English Language Center remain committed to supporting the professional development of language teaching professionals and are excited to keep the Learning Symposium rolling.
Our partnerships with MSU’s CeLTA (Center for Language Teaching Advancement) and the MITESOL (Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Organization have been fruitful, and we look forward to collaborating again in the future.
Who knows what we’ll cook up for you in the future? All I know is I’m excited about the direction we’re going, and I hope you’ll join us!
Austin Kaufmann

Learning Symposium Organizer