November’s Kind of from the Horse’s Mouth
A Monthly Blast on Upcoming Events, Things to Know, and Other Fun Information Here’s the November blast on a variety of topics. Upcoming Events Creating and Sharing Media in Mediaspace…
A Monthly Blast on Upcoming Events, Things to Know, and Other Fun Information Here’s the November blast on a variety of topics. Upcoming Events Creating and Sharing Media in Mediaspace…
In Part 1 of this post about preparation strategies for synchronous sessions, I wrote about setting up your physical space. But once you’ve set up your rockstar teaching space, it’s time to turn to prepping your virtual environment.
Introduction to Second Language Learning, a fully online course, is a part of the ELC's Online Certificate in TESOL program.
Since March of 2020, when much of the world was forced into the world of online education kicking and screaming due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there have been hundreds, probably thousands of articles and blog posts written on the topic of how to survive when teaching online. But what language instructors tell me they long for as they scour the internet, is nuanced advice on how to teach languages online—advice that is bolstered by strong pedagogy and grounded in experience.
MA TESOL Students are invited to attend this two-part session on the TESOL Job Market led by Amy Kroesche and Monique Yoder. The session will begin with a 30-inute informal…
What do a soccer coach and mother have in common? They were both featured in Paul Etim and Henry Etim's submissions for two scholarships. Paul Etim received the Dr. Senta…
Interested in conducting research in the ELC? MSU Affiliation MSU-affiliated students and faculty members who want to do research in the ELC must contact Dr. Daniel Reed and Dr. Debra Hardison before recruiting participants. …
On Friday, October 2nd, Mark Albee led an informational Zoom session with Koka City International Society, the land of the Ninja. Sixteen members of the society attended and learned info…
On August 1st, MSU welcomed Teresa K. Woodruff as its new provost. As part of her virtual tool with colleges around campus, she visited the College of Arts & Letters…
In the face-to-face part of my beginning hybrid Russian classes, I sometimes use games that involve game pieces that I have created using index cards. When our courses switched to fully online, I wanted a way to incorporate similar games in our synchronous online classroom.