What skills are covered?
Classes focus on speaking, listening, pronunciation, and communication strategies. They do not cover reading, writing, or test preparation.
Who can enroll?
Adults learning English as a second language at any level may enroll; you do not need to be a student at MSU or any other school. No ID is required. The only requirements are that you pay the materials fee and register, take the placement interview, and attend classes regularly.
How do I enroll?
Registration for EPIC 2020 will be held on Tuesday evening in late January starting at 6:30 p.m. in Wells Hall, B wing (near B110). Please watch this website for the specific date. Wells Hall is at the corner of Red Cedar Road and Shaw Lane on the MSU campus in East Lansing. You may bring a friend or family member if you wish to have someone help you. There will also be numerous English teachers to help you. The registration fee is $15.00 and helps to cover the cost of materials throughout the course. Payment can be cash or check (made payable to Michigan State University).
What do I need to bring to registration?
A $15 materials fee, in cash or check (made payable to Michigan State University). If you are paying in cash, please bring exact change.
What happens at registration?
At registration, you will be asked to complete some forms, pay the $15 materials fee, and sign up for a time to meet with the coordinator to determine the best class for you in our program.
If I cannot attend registration, can I register early or by phone?
No. If you are unable to attend registration, please contact the program coordinator listed at the bottom of this page.
Where will the classes be?
The classes are held in Wells Hall.
When are the classes?
Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday evening, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for six weeks, from March 10 (right after the MSU Spring Break) to April 16, 2020. Classes start promptly at 6:30 p.m. each evening so please arrive on time.
If registration is in January, why do classes begin in mid March?
This schedule allows the program coordinator to meet during February with each person who registers for EPIC. This is done to determine language goals and needs in order to select the best class for each person.
Where can I park?
Parking is free on campus after 6:00 p.m. Maps of the campus, maps of the parking lots, and the bus schedules and routes can be found at https://maps.msu.edu/.
Will I get credit for this course?
This is not an academic credit course. At the end of the course, you will receive a CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.
Can I use my MSUELT score for placement in the course?
Can I use my TOEFL score for placement in the course?
What if I have more questions?
For more information about the Spring classes, contact:
Dr. Debra M. Hardison
Michigan State University
Wells Hall, Room B256