With a touch of sadness, but also with best wishes and an interest in what’s to come, we bid farewell to ELC instructor, Dave Ragan! Dave began working for the ELC in 2009 at the height of the ELC growth. He brought his enthusiasm, patience, and expertise to the faculty at a time we all needed it. He is well known for being the fastest human on two wheels and can often exceed a hundred miles or more in one ride. His biking accomplishments included cycling in sub-zero temperatures without a second thought, getting anyone and everyone interested in cycling (especially students), and making long distance cycling look easy. He is an inspiration for so many around Wells Hall and his students knew he cared about them. He wasn’t shy about letting them know they had to work hard, study often, and practice English. His lessons incorporating Jazz into the curriculum may be the reason there are so many Jazz-themed nights at quite a few local establishments. His infectious laugh and impressive collection of neckties will be missed in the upcoming years. From the ELC faculty, staff, and students, we thank you, Dave, for your contributions to our learning community and wish you the best of the best in your next adventures.