Foundations of Language Teaching
The Foundations of Language Teaching course is one of the courses in our Online Certificate in TESOL.
The Foundations of Language Teaching course is one of the courses in our Online Certificate in TESOL.
A Monthly Blast on Upcoming Events, Things to Know, and Other Fun Information Here's the October email blast on a variety of topics. Upcoming Events Did you know October 21…
Download the ELC Globe from Spring/Summer of 2020 here. ELC_Globe-Spring_ Summer_2020Download
During this pandemic, Zoom is being widely used for online teaching. As an instructor who teaches Chinese as a second language (L2), I have found Zoom’s Annotate function very useful in terms of promoting active learning and providing instructors with timely feedback on students’ learning outcomes.
Each ELC staff member plays a critical role in supporting faculty instruction and students on their language learning journey. We’d like to give you the opportunity to get to learn…
Each ELC staff member plays a critical role in supporting faculty instruction and students on their language learning journey. We’d like to give you the opportunity to get to learn…
Each ELC staff member plays a critical role in supporting faculty instruction and students on their language learning journey. We’d like to give you the opportunity to get to learn…
Each ELC staff member plays a critical role in supporting faculty instruction and students on their language learning journey. We’d like to give you the opportunity to get to learn…
We are pleased to start these updates with some endowment news. The ELC proudly oversees the Shigeo and Isako Imamura Graduate Fellowship in English Language Teaching. After careful consideration, we…
The ELC will be offering a new virtual special program in Spring Semester 2021, the Online American English and Culture Program (OAECP). The program will run from January 11 to…